Saturday, March 29, 2008

Using Blogs in the Classrom

Blogging in the classroom is informative, educational and fun. I enjoy using it as a teaching tool in my Computer Applications classes. It is a learning opportunity that appeals to all students. But here are some recommendations I would make--
1. Use the same Web 2.0 application. I have all the students sign up for a g-mail account and I decided to use Blogger.
2. Students need to make the school blogs private.
3. Give students specifics as far blog title, gadgets, and posting. I remind students that they are learning something that they can do at home. There they can be as "creative" as they want. At school it has be school appropriate and protective of their personal and private information.
4. Give a short amount of time to work on creating the blogs or do this type of activity at the second half of class. Leave them wanting more.
5. Once the blog is created and the first post completed, have students send it to you. You can critique it and make suggestions.
6. They want to see each others blogs and what they chose for gadgets. So I create a handout with all the students g-mail accounts so they can invite other students to view their blogs. They then go into the blogs and make only positive comments using a rubric.
7. Periodically I have them change their template and gadgets.
8. My blog posts are an example of what I expect from students.

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